Overcoming Addiction
Proverbs 31:2-7, Isaiah 52:11
Addiction can be defined as It can be defined as a Habit, Dependence, Compulsive tendency developed over a period of continuous and repeated actions or exposures to a certain substance or situation.
Addiction can be something that has control and power of you,
Something that controls your being, controls your personality and eventually could lead to a destructive action or tendency
Addiction can be defined also as a stronghold
Addition can be something you do even when you would have preferred to do something else- check out what Paul said, it can result from any of the following:
· The loss of willpower
· Loss or shift of focus
· Social or emotional disconnect
· Poverty, very bad situations etc
· Some people have addictive behaviors, such as been addicted to control, been addictive to been rebellious, some are addicted to some kind of behaviors, (Isaiah 61:3).
· Some are addicted to fighting and quarreling with people around them,
· Some people are addicted to spending, eating so much, masturbation etc
· You should not allow anything control you, you should yourself to be addicted to anything - 1 Corinthians 9:19, 1 Corinthians 6:12- don’t let things control you- some are addictive to food, don’t let things control you.
· God can free you from addictions while the devil keeps you in bondage,
· Some are addicted to cigarettes, some are addicted to pretty women, some are addicted to drugs, but Jesus can break any addiction, some are addicted to lies and stubbornness- nobody can control me,
Types of Addictions.
· Substance Addiction- Proverbs 20:1, 23:39-35, Isaiah 5:11-12, 28:7-8. Drug abuse, cocaine, heroin, alcoholism, caffeine, some soft drinks of particular brands.
· Behavioral Addiction- 1kings11:4-5, Prov31:3,1 Peter4:3- sexual activity Addison, masturbation, sex, pornography, eating disorders, spending , shopping, TV watching etc
· Power Addiction- associated with power and influence Prov28:15, kind Saul, 1 Sam 19:1, 8: -10, kind Hezekiah Ps. 51:1-4;
· Alcohol, drugs, eating too much, sex- when their wife is not there, then there is a problem, some are addicted to insulting people, addiction can be sometimes what you cannot control, pornography- even when you are a Christian you may still be struggling with addiction, gambling addiction, some are addicted to power and control,
How to come out of Addiction
· Get born again
· Receive the Holyspirit Fruit of the spirit can help you overcome addiction- self control, let the Holyspirit bring forth fruit in your life. Galatians 5:23-
· Control it
· Confront the addiction
· Conquer it, make up your mind to fight
· Resist the devil - James 4:7
· You may not have finished overcoming but start fighting back: Romans 8:37
· Staying at the level of permanent victory- redefine yourself.
· Spiritual awakening and rising
· You can overcome through prayers
· You can overcome through the study of the word of God- there is power in his word. Be a serious student of God’s word.
How to overcome addiction
· Never begin anything that can lead you addiction, sometimes they appear harmless but that is not true- 1 Tim 6:12,
· Seek Help- James 5:13-16, must ask God for help, Pro. 3:4-5, professional help can also be very good.
· Forgive yourself and take a new position- 1 Corinthians 5:17. Do not let your addiction take you over
· Connect fully with God - 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
· Avoid going back, just like back sliding, they call it relapse, Mathew 12:43-45, 2 Peter 2:2:20-22
· Replace the addiction with what brings glory to God.
· Keep your heart with all diligence Prov. 4:23, Romans 12:1-2, Eph. 4:22-23, a battle of the mind,
· Avoid exposures to all forms of triggers- 1 Corinthians 15:33, 2 Corinthians 6:15-20, Eph. 5:11-12
· Fellowship more with the brethren
· Don’t go to places that brings you back to the addiction.
· Keep company of those that can help your recover- Heb. 10:24-25
· Step forward for help. Have someone you can reach out to for help.
· Don’t speak too much of your past in an attractive way that can steer up things in your life.
· Addiction can be a challenge but God can get you out of it. We who know them should love them until the Full deliverance happens. You need God to help you overcome any kind of addiction.
When you escape addiction, where are you escaping to, who are you escaping to?